Student Trooper ProgramStudent Trooper Program

Youth Career Law Enforcement Program (formerly know as the (Student Trooper Program) is one of the finest American Legion programs in which your local Post participates. Post 46 sponsors candidates- high school students of either gender, to attend a week long program in cooperation with the Michigan State Police. Young men and women have an opportunity to observe and participate in law enforceent in action. Candidates must be in excellent physical condition, willing to spend a week with rigorous discipline in anticipation of a possible law enforcement career and between the ages of 16 to 18 years old. Hard work, but yet fun, is the report we have received from those who have taken part in this program. If interested, contact your high school counselor or the Post 46 Commander/ Vice Commander. Cost to attend is $390. You can ask your Post, Auxilliary, Sons of the Legion, civic organizations, local business, or other organizations to be sponsored.

"The program provides first-hand experiences and insight into the operations of law enforcement agencies. The program also affords these highly motivated young people an opportunity to consider law enforcement as a potential career choice. Recruitment of high school students, both male and female, representing all communities and backgrounds in the state, is one goal of the program. Once these young people have been selected to attend the program, the law enforcement community is challenged to present a program that will instill an understanding and respect for law enforcement professionals and their techniques."

Scholorship awards are given for the following:

  • Student Trooper of the Week- $1,000
  • Class Orator- $500
  • Academic Award- $500
  • Marksmanship Award $500

For more information on this program go to