Hello. We hope you will consider joining our very active post.Click on one of the links below to retrieve our new member/ transferring member form. Print it out, fill it out and mail it to us along with a copy of your DD-214 (we do not keep copies of your DD-214). You may also be able to fill out the forms online and then print them out. We offer new members a free membership for the first year. Transferring members will be required to send a check for yearly dues of $50 (unless you already paid the current year's dues to your current Legion post).

Mail your forms and payment (if applicable) to:

American Legion Post 46, Attn: Adjutant, P.O. Box 3703, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3703.


If you have never joined The American Legion or it's been three years or longer since you've paid dues, fill out this form: 


If you are a member of another Legion post and would like to transfer to our post fill out this form by entering the information boxes with an X next to them: 

American Legion Post 46 Member Data Form (Transferring Members)